senior kg

Age Group : 4.5 yrs – 5.5 yrs
Timings : 3.5 hrs per day
The transition from preschool to primary school is a crucial time of change for both children as well as their parents.
At Apple Bite preschool, Senior KG curriculum ensures smooth transition from preschool to formal schooling with meaningful and progressive learning experiences. Children are well equipped to face challenges of formal schooling system. They are confident individuals, good at communicating thoughts and ideas and willing learners. The age appropriate activity based curriculum increases knowledge of a child in area of language, numbers, general knowledge, music, art and drawing.
Key ares in senior kg curriculum
- Language – word building, grammar concepts, writing in complete sentences, reading,
- Math / Cognitive – Numbers and Numerical concepts, Comparing, classifying, estimating amounts.
- Science : Understanding different forms of the same resource, simple experiments from everyday life
- Fine motor / art – Free hand drawing, managing craft work without help
- Social skills : learning socially acceptable behaviour
- Life skills : Discerning between appropriate and inappropriate behaviour
- Music : Creating rhythm and music on their own, understanding sound patterns
Activities Involved
- Projects and assignments
- Quizzes
- Science fun
- Book Buffet time
- Free hand drawing
- Story time
- Rhyme time
- Art and craft
- Audio Visual learning
- Special days (concept and theme related)
- Festival celebrations
- Field trips