junior kg

Junior K.G.: 3.5 years to 4.5 Years
Duration: 3.5 hours per day
At this age children are inquisive, seek answers, interact with other children and also with parents.
This age is a transition phase of a kid from preschool to kindergarten where children expand their knowledge.
At Apple Bite preschool, the Junior KG curriculum ensures smooth transition of a child with meaningful and progressive learning experience. The age appropriate activity based curriculum increases knowledge of a child in area of language, numbers, general knowledge, music, art and drawing.
Key areas in Junior KG Curriculum
- Language – Writing of the alphabet, Introduction to grammar, story telling
- Math / Cognitive – Number concepts, Estimation, differentiation and classification of objects
- Fine motor / art – Good pincer grip, write independently, free hand drawing
- Social skills : learning socially acceptable behaviour
- Life skills : Understanding transitions and routines
- Music : Creating awareness of music as a part of daily life
Activities Involved
- Story time
- Role plays
- Activity time (on concepts and themes)
- Rhyme time
- Art and craft
- Audio Visual learning
- Special days (concept and theme related)
- Festival celebrations
- Field trips